Supporting young athletes on the road to success

The University Scholarship Athletes Kubik (USAK) organization was created with the idea of assisting and supporting young athletes in their athletic and personal growth while studying in the United States of America. The basis of our work is to evaluate the client's current situation from a sporting, academic and personal point of view and to further set a constructive and individual plan.

Combining sports and studies at the highest level is not easy anywhere in the world. However, in this regard, the USA offers some of the best conditions for quality education and professional sports development at the same time. In the United States, school and sports complement each other, so there is no need to compromise. In this symbiosis, it is possible to completely concentrate on both important parts of a young athlete's life. Our team consists of former internationals, professionals and experts in combining sports and studies in the USA. We have personal contacts in the ranks of coaches, athletes, teachers, agents and others not only in America, but also around the world. We are ready to help young athletes with complete or even partial preparation and a trip to the USA.

Years of experience
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Satisfied clients
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Our team

Luboš Kubík Ml.

Founder & CEO

Luboš Kubík St.

Senior Advisor

Martin Hašek

Senior Advisor

Jakub Sládek

Baseball & Softball Advisor

Ondřej Vencl

Sports Director

Jan Chvojan

Soccer Advisor & Mental Coach

Lukáš Perina

Sports Manager

Eliška Kubík-Melicharová

Swimming Advisor

Dominik Vyleta

Sports Manager

Denisa Řezníčková

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